check – Manage Sensu checks

Create, update or delete Sensu Go check.

For more information, refer to the Sensu Go documentation at

New in version 1.0.0.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module:

  • python >= 2.7


- name: Check executing command every 30 seconds
    name: check
    command: -w 75 -c 90
      - checks
    interval: 30
    publish: yes

- name: Check executing command with cron scheduler
    name: check
    command: -w 75 -c 90
      - systems
      - slack
    cron: "* * * * *"
    publish: yes

- name: Ad-hoc scheduling
    name: check
    command: -w 75 -c 90
      - systems
      - slack
    interval: 60
    publish: no

- name: Report events under proxy entity name instead of agent entity
    name: check
      - proxy
      - slack
    interval: 60
    proxy_entity_name: sensu-site
    round_robin: yes
    publish: yes

- name: Event that triggers hooks
    name: check
    subscriptions: [ proxy ]
    # The upstream JSON payload for the hooks below would look like this:
    #   "check_hooks": [
    #     {"0": ["passing-hook", "always-run-this-hook"]},
    #     {"critical": ["failing-hook", "always-run-this-hook"]}
    #   ]
    # Ansible task simplifies this structure into a simple mapping:
        - passing-hook
        - always-run-this-hook
        - failing-hook
        - always-run-this-hook

- name: Remove check
    name: my-check
    state: absent

See Also


annotations (optional)

Custom metadata fields with fewer restrictions, as key/value pairs.

These are preserved by Sensu but not accessible as tokens or identifiers, and are mainly intended for use with external tools.

type: dict
auth (optional)

Authentication parameters. Can define each of them with ENV as well.

type: dict
api_key (optional)

The API key that should be used when authenticating. If this is not set, the value of the SENSU_API_KEY environment variable will be checked.

This replaces auth.user and auth.password parameters.

For more information about the API key, refer to the official Sensu documentation at

type: str
ca_path (optional)

Path to the CA bundle that should be used to validate the backend certificate.

If this parameter is not set, module will use the CA bundle that python is using.

It is also possible to set this parameter via the SENSU_CA_PATH environment variable.

type: path
password (optional)

The Sensu user’s password. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_PASSWORD environment variable will be checked.

This parameter is ignored if the auth.api_key parameter is set.

type: str
default: P@ssw0rd!
url (optional)

Location of the Sensu backend API. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_URL environment variable will be checked.

type: str
user (optional)

The username to use for connecting to the Sensu API. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_USER environment variable will be checked.

This parameter is ignored if the auth.api_key parameter is set.

type: str
default: admin
verify (optional)

Flag that controls the certificate validation.

If you are using self-signed certificates, you can set this parameter to false.

ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IN DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS! In you use self-signed certificates in production, see the auth.ca_path parameter.

It is also possible to set this parameter via the SENSU_VERIFY environment variable.

type: bool
default: True
check_hooks (optional)

A mapping of response codes to hooks which will be run by the agent when that code is returned.

Note that the structure of this parameter is a bit different from the one described at

See check hooks example below for more information on exact mapping structure.

type: dict
command (optional)

Check command to run.

Required if state is present.

type: str
cron (optional)

Schedule check requests using crontab syntax.

Cannot be used when interval option is used.

type: str
env_vars (optional)

A mapping of environment variable names and values to use with command execution.

type: dict
handlers (optional)

List of handlers which receive check results.

type: list
high_flap_threshold (optional)

High flap threshold.

type: int
interval (optional)

Check request interval.

Cannot be used when cron option is used.

type: int
labels (optional)

Custom metadata fields that can be accessed within Sensu, as key/value pairs.

type: dict
low_flap_threshold (optional)

Low flap threshold.

type: int
name (required)

The Sensu resource’s name. This name (in combination with the namespace where applicable) uniquely identifies the resource that Ansible operates on.

If the resource with selected name already exists, Ansible module will update it to match the specification in the task.

Consult the name metadata attribute specification in the upstream docs on for more details about valid names and other restrictions.

type: str
namespace (optional)

RBAC namespace to operate in. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_NAMESPACE environment variable will be used.

type: str
default: default
output_metric_format (optional)

Enable parsing of metrics in the specified format from this check’s output.

type: str
choices: graphite_plaintext, influxdb_line, nagios_perfdata, opentsdb_line
output_metric_handlers (optional)

List of handlers which receive check results. I’m not sure why this exists.

type: list
proxy_entity_name (optional)

Entity name to associate this check with instead of the agent it ran on.

type: str
proxy_requests (optional)

Allows you to assign the check to run for multiple entities according to their entity_attributes.

type: dict
entity_attributes (optional)

List of attribute checks for determining which proxy entities this check should be scheduled against.

type: list
splay (optional)

Enables or disables splaying of check request scheduling.

type: bool
splay_coverage (optional)

Percentage of the interval over which to splay checks.

type: int
publish (optional)

Enables or disables scheduled publication of check requests.

type: bool
round_robin (optional)

An array of environment variables to use with command execution.

type: bool
runtime_assets (optional)

List of runtime assets required to run the check.

type: list
secrets (optional)

List of secrets that are available to the command.

type: list
name (required)

Variable name that will contain the sensitive data.

type: str
secret (required)

Name of the secret that contains sensitive data.

type: str
state (optional)

Target state of the Sensu object.

type: str
default: present
choices: present, absent
stdin (optional)

Enables writing of serialized JSON data to the check command’s stdin.

Only usable with checks written specifically for Sensu Go.

type: bool
subscriptions (optional)

List of subscriptions which receive check requests.

Required if state is present.

type: list
timeout (optional)

Check execution timeout.

type: int
ttl (optional)

Amount of time after which a check result is considered stale.

type: int

Return Values


Object representing Sensu check.


- slack
interval: 10
  name: check_minimum
  namespace: default
publish: true
- system