etcd_replicator_info – List available Sensu Go etcd replicators

Retrieve information about Sensu Go etcd replicators.

For more information, refer to the Sensu documentation at

New in version 1.9.0.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module:

  • python >= 2.7


- name: List all Sensu Go etcd replicators
  register: result

- name: Retrieve the selected Sensu Go etcd replicator
    name: role_replicator
  register: result

- name: Do something with result
    msg: "{{ result.objects.0.resource }}"

See Also


auth (optional)

Authentication parameters. Can define each of them with ENV as well.

type: dict
api_key (optional)

The API key that should be used when authenticating. If this is not set, the value of the SENSU_API_KEY environment variable will be checked.

This replaces auth.user and auth.password parameters.

For more information about the API key, refer to the official Sensu documentation at

type: str
ca_path (optional)

Path to the CA bundle that should be used to validate the backend certificate.

If this parameter is not set, module will use the CA bundle that python is using.

It is also possible to set this parameter via the SENSU_CA_PATH environment variable.

type: path
password (optional)

The Sensu user’s password. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_PASSWORD environment variable will be checked.

This parameter is ignored if the auth.api_key parameter is set.

type: str
default: P@ssw0rd!
url (optional)

Location of the Sensu backend API. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_URL environment variable will be checked.

type: str
user (optional)

The username to use for connecting to the Sensu API. If this is not set the value of the SENSU_USER environment variable will be checked.

This parameter is ignored if the auth.api_key parameter is set.

type: str
default: admin
verify (optional)

Flag that controls the certificate validation.

If you are using self-signed certificates, you can set this parameter to false.

ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IN DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS! In you use self-signed certificates in production, see the auth.ca_path parameter.

It is also possible to set this parameter via the SENSU_VERIFY environment variable.

type: bool
default: True
name (optional)

Retrieve information about this specific object instead of listing all objects.

type: str

Return Values


List of Sensu Go etcd replicators.


- api_version: core/v2
  ca_cert: /etc/sensu/certs/ca.pem
  cert: /etc/sensu/certs/cert.pem
  insecure: false
  key: /etc/sensu/certs/key.pem
    created_by: admin
    name: cluster-role-replicator
  namespace: ''
  replication_interval_seconds: 30
  resource: ClusterRole